About Our Church
New Zion Baptist
Church History
The first meeting of New Zion Baptist Church was held in the old Jackson School House, located in the corner of Highway 80 and Jackson School Road on July 24, 1892. Brother J.P. French, assisted by P.J. Henry started a meeting which lasted eight days and resulted in seven confessions. On July 31, 1892 they proceeded to organize a Missionary Baptist Church. New Zion Missionary Baptist Church has been a family of believers for 132 years!
To God Be The Glory!
Our Belief
If something happened to you right now and you stood before God, would you go to Heaven? If you say, "I think so" or "I hope so," would you like to know for sure? Jesus says we can know for sure (John 20:31). If you say "yes," what do you base that on? Being good will not take us to heaven for Jesus says that in our human condition, "There is none good, no not one." Being baptized, doing good things, even going to church will not take us to heaven, (Matthew 7:21-23). For all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and the wages of that sin is death (Romans 6:23) but the Gift of God is eternal life through Jesus. He paid our sin debt for us (Romans 5:8).
How can I be forgiven and saved from hell?
Admit: That you are a sinner in need of a Savior.
Believe: That Jesus came and took your death so that you can have life.
Confess: Confess your trust in Jesus and your desire to follow Him.
Ask: He that called on the name of the Lord shall be saved.